Technical services for the operation of wind turbines

Energy consult provides additional technical services and inspections related to the operation of wind turbines.

In the course of on-site inspections, we can detect possible damage at an early stage, avoid downtimes and increase availability of wind turbines. You can reduce your risk of significant repair costs, loss of yield and safety-related complaints.

This includes the following services:

Ensuring the technical safety of electrical systems and equipment of a wind turbine is also one of the duties of a wind farm operator. With our DGUV V3 inspection, you can quickly and safely guarantee compliance with the legal requirements of Regulation 3 of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

All electrical components that may represent a source of danger in the short or long term are tested.

A prerequisite for receiving the statutory feed-in tariff is the installation and proper functioning of the grid protection device. This, in turn, is linked to guidelines which, among other things, stipulate that the proper functioning of the protective relays must be checked at intervals of no more than four years.

Our electricians inspect your protection equipment according to a fixed test protocol whilst also taking into account the specifications of the respective network operator.