All wind turbines in Germany must be equipped with a system for demand-controlled night-time marking by 01.01.2023 at the latest. This obligation affects not only new but also existing turbines, according to the current legislation of the EEG 2017 as per § 9 para. 8 and resolution BK-6-20-207 of 5 November 2020.
Our expertise is also trusted by our long-standing customers on this topic, so that we have already received the order for the implementation of corresponding modification permits for 16 wind farms. As there is a risk of losing the entitlement to the market premium if the retrofitting is not carried out in time, we recommend dealing with this issue immediately so that the approval procedures can still be initiated in time and the retrofitting can be carried out.
In addition to individual consulting and analysis as a basis for decision-making, energy consult also offers the examination of technical interfaces, integration into the energy consult framework contract, manufacturer-independent analysis of the suitability of the available transponder-based system for demand-controlled night-time marking systems, negotiations with system providers, implementation and support of the application and approval procedure, approval in conformity with the permit and activation, to name just a few of the services offered. On-demand night-time marking is a truly complex topic in which various aspects, technical and legal requirements have to be taken into account.
We will gladly assist you in this process. Learn more!